The twinkle in his eyes, the dimple in his cheek. He drew people in with his joyful spirit. And though he is gone, the light of his smile will not fade from our memories.

One day Tristan was happily playing, strong and healthy. The next he was gone, after a seizure and a brief battle with heart failure. It happened so quickly, and accepting that he’s no longer with us is hard.

A child’s death is a tragedy... and Tristan’s absence makes us ache. It’s tempting to shut down our hearts and let no more children in. But then we remember Tristan’s smile. And we remember that if he hadn’t come here and known love, he might never have shared his beautiful smile. We remember that the greatest tragedy would have been for him to die alone, unknown and unloved.

We remember his smile and the power of love. We remember that love is always a sacrifice. And as we remember, we rejoice. We rejoice that Tristan is no longer an orphan. We rejoice that he is playing on His Father’s lap.

We rejoice that he’s still smiling.

Tristan's Amazing Story

Memorial Service  
  Opening song Ruth reading a poem
Karen sharing    
  Amy reading a letter
she wrote to Tristan
A sponsor reading a poem
she wrote for Tristan
  Sara brought Tristan
to New Day, and was
with him when he died.
Tristan's nanny
Grace sharing   Tristan's nannies carrying
his picture
Hanging his picture