Birthdate: September 15, 2013

Timothy was born September 15, 2013 and abandoned soon after. He was born with Down syndrome, a heart condition (that has since healed!) and an orthopedic defect. Timothy is a little guy with big eyes. He loves to watch what is going on around him and smiles readily when cuddled and talked to. When Timothy arrived into our care, he was a weak little baby who struggled to gain weight and often got sick with pneumonia. Within a few months of joining our project, he was finally at a healthy weight and now rarely gets sick. Timothy's heart defect has also repaired without surgery. He's a precious little boy with a lot of potential and a hilarious personality. Timothy makes faces that have the nannies laughing, and his favorite things are balls, bubbles, and baby dolls. We've already seen him make progress, and are eager to watch him continue to grow.

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We provide this information to give our sponsors and supporters a general idea of the challenges our children face. For prospective adoptive parents, this information is not intended to be a substitute for a complete and up-to-date referral packet from your adoption agency. Please keep in mind that in our communications, we always try to focus on a child's strengths, accomplishments, and positive developments, not in an attempt to gloss-over their often serious medical conditions, but in an effort to share a glimpse of their precious personalities.

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