Name: Shane
Birthday: 03/21/2005

Shane was born on March 21, 2005. 8 days later, on March 29, he was found abandoned at a local hospital. After searching unsuccessfully for his parents, he was taken to one of the local orphanages. While living at the orphanage, he was diagnosed with proctatresua (anal atresia) and vesical fistula. Therefore, he has a hard time eating and can become bloated very easily. He has already undergone one corrective surgery to help remedy this problem. However, his bowels are still very small and he is only able to pass small amounts of stool at a time. In spite of his severe medical condition, Shane is a happy young man. He is very alert and enjoys watching everything that is going on around him. Even though he has only been with us for a short time, he is already starting to recognize people. Shane is a handsome young man who is quickly winning the hearts of everyone comes into contact with him.

Home Page

Shane leaving New Day
Saying good-bye
to his nanny
Leaving in the car
Shane and his parents
Don't Shane and his dad look alike?
Shane and his mom