Name: Samuel
Birthdate: 10/16/2004

Samuel was born on October 16, 2004 and was diagnosed with a very serious heart disease, Pulmonary Atresia. After he was found abandoned, he was taken to the local orphanage in the city where he was born. Looking to save this little boy the orphanage contacted us to see if we could help. On August 22, 2005 Samuel came to join the New Day family. Samuel was very weak, cyanotic and malnourished when he arrived. This happy little boy who is fighting to survive will soon have is heart surgery scheduled.

Home Page

The day Samuel arrived

Two days later

Learning to Crawl
Look at me, aren't I cute?
Samuel meets his parents
Showing his mom and dad his artwork
Samuel and his mom
Playing on the slide
Giving his dad a high-five
Samuel and his dad
Giving his dad a kiss
Favorite event-eating
Giving his mom a kiss
Samuel's family with Taiyuan's adoption director
Samuel's family with his nanny