Chase was loved extravagantly, intimately, deeply… for every minute of every day. Though some would see his life as a tragedy marred with abandonment, suffering, and death, we know it was a beautiful love story. A love story of a Heavenly Father who cradled a tiny baby from the minute he was formed… carrying him through a life filled with pain, brokenness, and suffering, never forsaking him or leaving his side. We rest in the knowledge that Chase was always carried. He was always loved.

He struggled valiantly to live…twice defying doctor’s expectations that he wouldn’t survive the day. But in the end, he couldn’t fight anymore, and we know he’s finally at rest. But his rest is our grief… it hurts to let him go. But as our hearts hurt, we know the pain we feel is only a taste of the grief his Abba feels. Our tears are just raindrops in His flood. And knowing that the Father weeps and mourns with us keeps us moving; keeps us wanting to fight valiantly for Chase's memory and all the others like him who will follow.

God is true and He is faithful. He weeps over the brokenness of this world and the casualties caused by the pain and suffering unleashed on a fragile creation. But nothing is wasted. He did not toss Chase aside; Chase’s life might have been short, but we know his Father made it significant. We may never know the full impact Chase had on those who cared for Him, but we do know He reflected the width, length, height, and depth of His Father’s love. We know, because his short life helped us grow down a little more deeply into God’s love.