Name: Victor
Birthdate: January 1, 2011

Victor was born on January 1, 2011. He was found the next day in a box beside the road of an industrial area, wrapped tightly in a yellow blanket and sound asleep. He entered the orphanage that same day. Victor was born with ENT and heart defects. He is an active little boy with a strong grip, happy disposition and pleasant personality.

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We provide this information to give our sponsors and supporters a general idea of the challenges our children face. For prospective adoptive parents, this information is not intended to be a substitute for a complete and up-to-date referral packet from your adoption agency. Please keep in mind that in our communications, we always try to focus on a child's strengths, accomplishments, and positive developments, not in an attempt to gloss-over their often serious medical conditions, but in an effort to share a glimpse of their precious personalities.